In Persuit of Otherwise Possibilities

Logo & Poster Design
Client: DAS Research (ATD Amsterdam)
In Pursuit Of Otherwise Possibilities (IPOP) - Queer Performance Pedagogy and Feedback.
IPOP (initiated by DAS Research, part of ATD) is an educational, artistic research platform exploring how educational institutions can better foster queer artists and practices. IPOP is a series of research assemblies, feedback sessions and practical workshops.
To visualize the idea of people gathering and connecting through discussions and conversations we created a concept for a typeface that’s sharp and stinging. We wanted to create distressing and disruptive typography. Shapes and lines that create tension in the compositions and create the urgency to read.
The shapes and lines of the letters also serve as great design assets for compositions and other future designs. The color palette is dark and distressing, and for the future symposium and other printed matter - the moment on which results and insights are presented - the color palette can be inverted to create a more light and uplifting feeling.